Stekker smart charging app

Makes charging electric vehicles as economical and sustainable as possible.










Stekker is a management platform for charging points that enables consumers and companies with one or more charging points to save on charging costs while achieving sustainability goals. The Stekker engine controls electric vehicle charging points to get the most out of surges in wind and solar energy and price drops per kWh.


The competitive advantage of Stekker is the accuracy with which the current kWh price (EPEX) can be forecasted for the next 24 hours. My role is to translate this into applications that enable B2C and B2B customers to charge electric cars as cheaply and sustainably as possible.



From vehicles to charging points

When it comes to controlling electric vehicles, each make and model uses a different way of controlling them. Although we at Stekker have the knowledge to achieve and maintain this, we have switched the focus to controlling and managing charging points.

From B2C to B2B

To take full advantage of smart charging, consumers must have their own driveway, a charging station that is linked to a dynamic energy contract and preferably also solar panels. Due to the relatively small size of this market, we have switched our focus to the business market. More solar panels can usually be installed on office buildings and multiple charging points in the parking lot. This increases the potential contribution to CO2 reduction and relief for the energy network.


Visual identity

For the logo and visual direction of the brand identity I've asled Nelleke Harmse for help. Based on her logo design and mood board I made the translation to a Design System for web, app and print.

Design System
  • Token architecture
  • Component library
  • Illustration library
  • Interaction patterns
  • App templates
B2C mobile app
  • Connect your EV or home charging point
  • Start the charging session and set the end time: Stekker chooses the most affordable charging schedule.
  • Save electricity and costs on your energy bill
B2B loading point management platform
  • Charge card management
  • Insight into active charging sessions and history
  • Control over the availability of charging points
  • Reports


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