T-Mobile Design System and CRO

Conversion optimization and a multi-brand Design System for T-Mobile and Tele2











Telecom is a highly competitive market. As a provider your market share is linked to the speed in which you respond to new propositions from competitors. At T-Mobile, a UX team has been set up to support various departments in the organisation with the purpose to bring down time to market. The activities ranged from developing new propositions, increasing conversion and improving customer satisfaction among both private and business customers.


In addition to daily support for short-term results, as part of the 6-person UX team (3 designers, 3 full-stack developers), I also focused on setting up a multi-brand Design System. Not only did we accelerate the production process and thus the time-to-market, but we were also prepared for the Tele2 takeover announced at the time. During this acquisition process we were able to transfer the entire e-commerce platform from Tele2 to the T-Mobile codestack while maintaining the Tele2 brand identity.



A market of action-response

In the telecom sector, you are dealing with a competitive market consisting of a limited number of players. As a result, the parties react strongly to each other. Does one advertise 5G? Then the rest will follow suit. This trend is not always the best starting point when developing new propositions. At T-Mobile, as a UX Team, we are involved in the first stages of proposition development. In practice, I translated concept propositions into working prototypes of sales funnel, customer environment and self-service, which we then presented to customers. The feedback on this is then used to refine the proposition.



  • Conversion optimization of B2C and B2B customers' transactions.
  • Deployment strategy for FMC propositions (“fixed-mobile convergence”: mobile and fixed package deals.)
  • Prototyping and user research

One Design System, Two Brands

  • Migrating from T-Mobile Home, My T-Mobile, and Tele2 to unified front end
  • Component library
  • Photography patterns
  • Interaction patterns
  • Page templates


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